Build Apps | Manage Data | Automate Process Fast, Easy & Complete Business App CreationTrue No-Code End-to-End App Platform Build Enterprise BPM Applications For Any Sized BusinessclearString: what is it good for? Everything. Absolutely. Your entire business team can make the apps they need at any scale: with easy to use Components | | 
| The completeness of your vision. Covering all of your bases. Really easily. No code. |
10,000 hours of expertise at your fingertips. No coding. → Turn your data into secure public facing appsBuild custom reports, create workflows & business process systemsEscape from spreadsheet based single-user siloed data systems to secure clearString multi-user dynamic data systems. Full-stack so you can securely integrate your apps: even into public-facing websites and B2B Portals. Business Process Management Automate your business processes, from data collection and web sites, through event & state change management and automation of repetitive workflows, to live dashboards for C-suite reporting to increase business intelligence and then make better decisions. → |  |
clearString lets YOU build anythingwithout writing a line of code
Custom Reports | 
BPM Automation | 
CRM & Marketing |  | | 
Total design control | 
Full stack development | 
Private Cloud management |
 Monetize your solutionsVARs: Your own SaaS product systemConvert your service solution into a product. Build your own portfolio of Solutions. Monetize the applications you create for an unlimited number of customers. clearString includes a full suite of monetization tools, for a revenue stream with minimum administration, maximum flexibility: maintenance is simple and full scale revision is straightforward. Dedicated VAR account managers coordinate Support Services for you → |
No-code - not low-codeclearString is the ultimate no-code platformNo-code is aimed at business users without coding experience, but who still need the flexibility and customizability of structure and flow that previously were only available with coded solutions, or with low-code which is for programmers who can code the final 10%. Traditionally no-code has been seen as inflexible and only suited for minor apps. clearString changes that by providing a full set of features, both in data structure and visual appearance, making it highly capable for creating modern business applications. |
| Build Apps | Manage Data | Automate Process Fast, Easy & Complete Business App CreationTrue No-Code End-to-End App Platform Build Enterprise BPM Applications For Any Sized Business clearString: what is it good for? Everything. Absolutely. 
| Completeness of vision. Covering all of your bases. Really easily. No code. |
Your entire business team can make the apps they need at any scale: with easy to use Components | |
10,000 hours of expertise at your fingertips. No coding. → Turn your data into secure public facing appsBuild custom reports, create workflows & business process systemsEscape from spreadsheet based single-user siloed data systems to secure clearString multi-user dynamic data systems. Full-stack so you can securely integrate your apps: even into public-facing websites and B2B Portals. 
Business Process ManagementAutomate your business processes, from data collection and web sites, through event & state change management and automation of repetitive workflows, to live dashboards for C-suite reporting to increase business intelligence and then make better decisions. → |
clearString lets YOU build anythingwithout writing a line of code
Custom Reports | 
Business Process | | 
Total design control | 
Full stack development | | | 
CRM & Marketing | 
Private Cloud management |
Monetize your solutionsVARs: Your own SaaS product system
Convert your service solution into a product. Build your own portfolio of Solutions. Monetize the applications you create for an unlimited number of customers. clearString includes a full suite of monetization tools, for a revenue stream with minimum administration, maximum flexibility: maintenance is simple and full scale revision is straightforward. Dedicated VAR account managers coordinate Support Services for you → |
No-code - not low-codeclearString is the ultimate no-code platformNo-code is aimed at business users without coding experience, but who still need the flexibility and customizability of structure and flow that previously were only available with coded solutions, or with low-code which is for programmers who can code the final 10%. Traditionally no-code has been seen as inflexible and only suited for minor apps. clearString changes that by providing a full set of features, both in data structure and visual appearance, making it highly capable for creating modern business applications. |
| Build Apps | Manage Data | Automate Process Fast, Easy & Complete Business App CreationTrue No-Code End-to-End App Platform Build Enterprise Applications For Any Sized BusinessclearString: what is it good for? Everything. Absolutely. Your entire business team can make the apps they need at any scale: with easy to use Components | | 
| Completeness of vision. Covering all of your bases. Really easily. No code. |
10,000 hours of expertise at your fingertips. No coding. → Turn your data into secure public facing appsBuild custom reports, create workflows & business process systemsEscape from spreadsheet based single-user siloed data systems to secure clearString multi-user dynamic data systems. Full-stack so you can securely integrate your apps: even into public-facing websites and B2B Portals. 
Business Process AutomationIntegrate your business processes, from data collection and web sites, through event & state change management and automation of repetitive workflows, to live dashboards for C-suite reporting to increase business intelligence and then make better decisions. → |
clearString lets YOU build anythingwithout writing a line of code
Custom Reports | 
Business Process | 
CRM & Marketing | | 
Total design control | 
Full stack development | 
Private Cloud management |
Monetize your solutionsVARs: Your own SaaS product system
Convert your service solution into a product. Build your own portfolio of Solutions. Monetize the applications you create for an unlimited number of customers. clearString includes a full suite of monetization tools, for a revenue stream with minimum administration, maximum flexibility: maintenance is simple and full scale revision is straightforward. Dedicated VAR account managers coordinate Support Services for you → |
No-code - not low-codeclearString is the ultimate no-code platformNo-code is aimed at business users without coding experience, but who still need the flexibility and customizability of structure and flow that previously were only available with coded solutions, or with low-code which is for programmers who can code the final 10%. Traditionally no-code has been seen as inflexible and only suited for minor apps. clearString changes that by providing a full set of features, both in data structure and visual appearance, making it highly capable for creating modern business applications. |